Sachin started a textile business. He invested all the money from his savings into the business. Also, he borrowed some money from his friends and family.
In the beginning, the profit from his projects was only sufficient to cover his basic expenses. But he maintained top quality for all the deliveries. He tried very hard to get big projects but could not get one.
Not returning money to his friends and family members in time, Sachin thought of selling his textile business.
One day he was sitting on a farm and thinking. A farmer asked him, " Why are you so upset? What is the problem?" Sachin replied his business was not giving returns as he thought. So, he was thinking of selling it off as it was not worth pursuing anymore.
Hearing his whole story, the farmer took him to his farm. He showed him a mango tree and a bamboo tree. He said, " I planted both the trees at the same time and nurtured them with the same things they needed. After the first two years, the mango tree grew to a certain height. But there were no signs of growth in the bamboo. It continued for the third and fourth years. In the fifth year, the mango tree started producing fruits. Still, there were no signs in the bamboo.
However, after a week, there was a sign of growth in the bamboo tree. Then within six weeks, the tree grew to 100 feet.
Then I realized, in the first four years, it was developing its root deep underground for a base strong enough to support its outside growth. So, the same principle applies to your business as well. Wait for your time and never give up. "
After hearing this story, Sachin thanked the farmer. He then started exploring the opportunities and went to big companies for orders. In the third month, he got the order from a big company worth millions and then continuous orders.
Sachin settled all the money to his family and friends. His business is now running into a highly profitable business.
In the first four years, there were no signs of growth in the bamboo tree because the farmer didn't give it enough nutrition.