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  • 1. (2022高二下·南宁期末)  阅读理解

    Zebrafish, named for their characteristic stripes (条纹), have been a popular test subject for researchers. Only a few centimeters in length, the fish reproduce easily in captivity (圈养), grow quickly, and their transparent body makes it easy to study their organs. Above all, they possess some surprising "self-healing" power. When part of their heart is removed, they can grow it back in a matter of weeks. When blinded, they can quickly regain the ability to see.

    Recent studies show that humans and zebrafish have the same major organs and share 70 percent of the genes. Moreover, 84 percent of human genes associated with disease find a counterpart in zebrafish. Scientists thus hope that understanding the self-healing mystery of the fish may one day allow humans to regenerate (使……再生) such organs as eyes, hearts, and spines.

    Researchers at Vanderbilt University are particularly interested in zebrafish retina (视网膜) regeneration. They have learned that damage of retina can cause blindness in zebrafish, yet it only takes about three to four weeks before vision is regained. The structure and cell types of zebrafish reins are almost the same to those of humans. If the process can be copied in humans, it may give rise to new treatments for blindness caused by retinal damage.

    In order to know exactly how zebrafsh retina is regenerated, the team looked at the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a chemical messenger in the brain that reduces the activity of neurons. They found that lowering GABA levels in zebrafish can activate retina regeneration, while a high level of GABA concentration will suppress the regeneration process. This suggested that GABA plays an important role in the fish's ability to regain their sight. The result served as a further proof to scientists previous work.

    The team is beginning to test the GABA theory on mice. If that works, human trials will be next on the agenda. If the research proves successful in humans, some of the nearly 40 million blind people worldwide may one day have a tiny, striped fish to thank.

    1. (1) What's the most amazing for zebrafish?
      A . Its beautiful stripes. B . Its regeneration ability. C . Its transparent body. D . Its excellent eyesight.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "suppress" mean in paragraph 4?
      A . Hold back. B . Add up. C . Draw up. D . Get over.
    3. (3) What do we know about the study in Vanderbilt University?
      A . Humans are currently under trial. B . The first experimental subject is mice. C . The researchers had unexpected discoveries. D . The results are in line with previous study findings.
    4. (4) Which of the following is the best title of the text?
      A . How Do Zebrafish Heal Themselves? B . What Is the Mystery of Zebrafish Retina? C . Will Self-healing Power of Zebrafish Be Regained? D . Could the Tiny Zebrafish Teach Us to Cure Blindness?
