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  • 1. (2023高二下·遂宁月考) 阅读理解

    On a journey to the little-known Northeast region of India, we discover "a rare creature": the "Forest Man of India". Nearly every day for almost 40 years now, Jadav Payeng, a local farmer, has risen before dawn to cross the river on his boat, and begins the daily two-mile journey to his vegetable farm and his life's mission: reviving the ecosystem here.

    When Payeng was a boy, the river island of Majuli was attached to the mainland. Over the past several decades, erosion (侵蚀) from the powerful river waters of the Brahmaputra has gradually cut it off from the mainland. "Earlier, this was all sand. No trees, no grass—nothing was here. " Today fields of tall grasses stretch into the distance. Along with bright green plains dotted with cows, cotton trees stand straight in rows as far as the eye can see.

    Payeng set about planting here in 1979, after unexpectedly seeing some dead snakes piled on the sand in the Indian sun. "When I saw it, I thought even we humans will have to die this way in the heat. It struck me," he said. Payeng sought no permission to plant the forest. He just grew it, carrying on his tribe's tradition of honoring nature.

    The dense forest now covers an area of more than 1,300 acres. He is delighted that wild elephants cross the shallow river waters to walk around in his forest. Besides elephants, the home is filled with deer, monkeys, tigers and a wide variety of birds. "It's not as if I did it alone," says the self-styled naturalist. "You plant one or two trees, and they have to seed. And once they seed, the wind knows how to plant them, the birds here know how to sow them, cows know, elephants know, even the Brahmaputra River knows. The entire ecosystem knows. "

    Payeng has single-handedly changed the landscape. When asked how he has sustained his passion, Payeng strikes a respectful tone. "Nature gives me inspiration. It gives me power. As long as it survives, I survive. "

    1. (1) What does Para. 2 mainly talk about?
      A . How Majuli island got its name.      B . How Majuli has changed over time. C . What Payeng has done in the 40 years.  D . Why there was all sand on Majuli earlier.
    2. (2) What made Payeng start planting trees?
      A . The sight of dead snakes. B . The permission of the tribe. C . The tradition of respecting nature. D . The mission of reviving the ecosystem.
    3. (3) What can we learn from Para. 4?
      A . The ecosystem is recovering. B . Payeng takes elephants to his forest. C . The forest is home to all wild animals. D . Payeng plants the trees with others' help.
    4. (4) What is the best title of the passage?
      A . An Impressive Forest B . A Balanced Ecosystem C . A Lifetime of Planting Trees D . An Effort of Saving Rare Creatures
