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  • 1. (2023高二下·东莞月考) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Be a true runner

    For me, it was normal to feel lost at the inter-camp track. Four camps of kids were ready to lead their teams to a blue ribbon and win the day. Not me. I was too little to be the leader and too skinny to be an athlete. I knew this by the time I was twelve, because my camp counselors (辅导员) and the other kids reminded me of it every chance they got. So when our camp needed a fourth runner in the two-mile race around the lake, I knew I was no one's first choice.

    I hid in the shade of a maple tree as they called the names of the runners, my body tensed as I heard a counselor call, "Fred! Where is Fred! He is in this race!" It was Barry. He spotted me under the tree. "Fred! We need a 12-year-old who hasn't been in other events to run the two-mile!"

    He gave me a push towards the starting line. Having no confidence and trying to save myself from the shame of taking the last place as four camps watched, I pleaded with him.

    "But I don't know the way around the lake!"

    "You're in. Just follow Bill!" Barry smiled.

    Bill was my friend and the fastest runner in our camp. And then Barry said, "When you make it to the last stretch (最后一程) on the field, just throw your head back and run. "

    At the starting line, I stood next to Bill and trembled.

    "On your mark… Get set…" The gun cracked and sixteen of us took off. I stayed close on Bill's heels, a little too close for Bill, I guess. He shouted at me, "Back off!"

    I did. Two guys passed me, but I kept my eyes on Bill.

    It was tiring. The distance was widening between Bill and me. We made the turn from the dusty road onto the muddy, wooded trail that would go around the lake back to the field. Through the trees, I saw Bill trip over a tree root and fall. A runner from another camp passed him.




    Para 1: In a moment, Bill was up and running.


    Para 2: I didn't realize that I had crossed the finish line.
