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  • 1. (2023高二下·安徽期中) 完形填空

    U. S. Navy veteran(海军退伍军人) Donald Helfer flew 28 times over enemy land during WWII. Along with the Navy Flying Cross and a Bronze Star, Helfer even received a(n)1from the President in which the President expressed his appreciation for Helfer's2"to bring about the total defeat of the enemy".

    3, Helfer was never one to expect fame or money. Later, he retired to Florida. He passed away in 1993, taking the memories of his impressive4with him—almost. While Helfer's children knew of their dad's time in the navy, they5knew the true nature of his service.

    When Helfer's6items—including medals, photos and records—turned up in a dumpster (大垃圾桶) in Hickory, the man who found them immediately recognized their7. The finder sent these things to Navy vet and American Legion Post 544 Commander Jeff Truitt for safekeeping until Helfer's8could be found. Truitt was able to9Helfer's grown children in New York, and his daughter, Linda Delorey, living in North Carolina.

    Later, Delorey went from home to Hickory to10Truitt. Delorey was very excited as she turned the pages of the neatly organized binder(活页夹) Truitt had put together11her father's treasure.

    Now that the family12has been brought back, Delorey plans to13it with her relatives as soon as she's able to. "Helfer was just one of the millions who14—and his story should be told and15forever," Truitt said.

    A . report B . order C . letter D . permission
    A . expecting B . preparing C . helping D . promising
    A . Instead B . However C . Besides D . Therefore
    A . achievements B . performances C . collections D . skills
    A . already B . just C . never D . even
    A . best B . personal C . expensive D . useful
    A . quality B . worth C . connection D . power
    A . neighbors B . leaders C . audiences D . relatives
    A . locate B . raise C . support D . save
    A . join B . welcome C . replace D . meet
    A . hiding B . guarding C . locking D . containing
    A . tradition B . business C . treasure D . member
    A . share B . leave C . compare D . cover
    A . afforded B . followed C . suffered D . served
    A . protected B . remembered C . accepted D . avoided
