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  • 1. (2023·温州模拟) 阅读短文,回答问题

    Mrs Robertson was our fifth-grade teacher. She would give us a high five if we did well on a test. She would hug us when we had a bad day. She would also say goodbye to each of us as we walked past her in line after school. No other teacher did that.

    Friday was the last day of this term. Everyone would come to school with a present for her.

    "What are you getting for Mrs Robertson?" Charlene asked.

    I didn't answer, for I wanted to make it a surprise. Actually, I planned to buy a Chia Pet which would grow grassy hair if people put chia seeds inside a pot and watered it.

    But when I told Mum about it, her eyes went wide. "A Chia Pet of twenty dollars! We can't go around buying people presents that cost twenty dollars. We'll be out our food money!"

    "It's not just anybody. It's Mrs Robertson!" I said, "She's my favourite teacher. Everyone will give her a good present. I'll be the only one who is empty-handed!"

    "I've already bought one," Mum stopped me and took out a plastic bag. "Your teacher is a working woman, like me. I know what she needs."

    Mum was holding a pair of packaged pantyhose* with the price in the corner saying $1.49. Imagined Mrs Robertson opening this present in front of the class. I could already hear Charlene's laugh.

    "No!" Tears started to cloud my eyes.

    "This is what we'll give her." Mum made the final decision.

    I finally took the pantyhose to school on Friday. Mrs Robertson's desk was quickly covered with presents, but mine was actually under her desk near the rubbish bin, where it belonged. I had put it there on purpose during lunch.

    I tried my best to forget the present during vacation. But soon, it was time to go back to school.

    Surprisingly, when I was going to sit down, I found a note inside my empty desk.

    Dear Maria,

    Thank you so much for your present. How do you know that I always tear* my stockings under the

    Your friend,

    Mrs Robertson

    I checked what Mrs Robertson wore today. She was wearing the pantyhose, and maybe they were the ones I gave her. Best of all, no one else knew. I smiled and put the note inside my pocket.

    1. (1) What was Mrs Robertson like?
      A . Strict. B . Caring. C . Creative. D . Humorous.
    2. (2) Why did Maria put her present under the desk near the rubbish bin?
      A . She planned to give Mrs Robertson a big surprise. B . Mum ordered her to put the present in a secret place. C . There was no room for her present on the desk any more. D . She hoped Mrs Robertson could ignore the terrible present.
    3. (3) What can we infer from the story?
      A . Maria would buy a better present after reading the note. B . Mum and Maria had the same view on choosing presents. C . Mrs Robertson valued presents from her students very much. D . Maria might share the note from Mrs Robertson with Charlene.
    4. (4) How might Maria feel at the end of the story? Why?(请用约40词回答)
