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  • 1. (2023·香洲模拟) 请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Beethoven was a great musician. One evening, young Beethoven was out for a walk. A she was passing a wooden house, he1someone inside practicing one piece of his music. He stopped to listen, and a girl said that she wished she could hear a real2play it.

    Beethoven went into the house,3the young lady at the piano was blind. A young man stood beside her. Beethoven asked4, "Would you mind me playing for you?"5they didn't know who the stranger was, the lady and the man said yes happily. Beethoven sat at the piano and began to play. He played so well that all of them lost themselves in the beautiful music. Even when the lonely candle in the room6and the moon shone brightly through the window, he was7playing!

    When Beethoven left the house, the moon seemed even8in the night sky. He was deeply9by the young lady's love for his music and was greatly inspired by the beautiful night. He rushed back home10and spent the whole night writing down the music that he had played at the blind girl's house.

    This is a story of "Moonlight Sonata", one of the classics in the history of music.

    A . tasted B . heard C . felt D . looked
    A . dancer B . teacher C . musician D . singer
    A . imagining B . describing C . checking D . noticing
    A . politely B . angrily C . rudely D . proudly
    A . But B . Although C . When D . Because
    A . went over B . went on C . went out D . went by
    A . hardly B . almost C . even D . still
    A . brighter B . darker C . heavier D . lighter
    A . hit B . knocked C . beat D . touched
    A . at once B . at least C . at first D . at most
