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  • 1. (2023·深圳模拟) 下面的材料A~F分别是医生的六条饮食建议。请根据五个人的饮食习惯选择合适的饮食建议。

    A. It is important to have good habits of having meals, especially for children. A bad eating habit may cause serious health problems. For example, eating in front of the TV or computer often leads to mindless overeating.

    B. It's common for people to get something to drink for dinner. But drinking too much alcohol is definitely harmful to human body. Drink properly, and you'll live a healthy life.

    C. In general, kids and teens that eat breakfast have more energy and do better in school. Without breakfast, people can get tired. So, make time for your breakfast.

    D. Don't eat too much before going to bed. Your body needs a long rest at night, including your stomach. Don't give it too much burden (负担).

    E. Some drinks like Coke and fruit juice are usually high in calories and sugar, which can cause weight problems. Besides, they may also bring you bad teeth. Stay away from them and drink water instead.

    F. Busy people always rush through their meals, forgetting to enjoy the food and feel the taste of what is in their mouths. Take time to chew (咀嚼) your food and enjoy mealtimes.

    1. (1) Brian, a 7-year-old boy, likes to have meals while watching TV. He doesn't focus on his food so sometimes he forgets how full he is and eats too much.
    2. (2) Paul is a programmer. He is so busy that he doesn't have much time to eat. For him, eating is like a task rather than something enjoyable.
    3. (3) Ben doesn't get up early every day. In order not to be late for school, he usually chooses to go to school without having breakfast.
    4. (4) Mr. Black has a habit of having an extra meal before going to bed. He thinks it helps him sleep well at night.
    5. (5) Mary doesn't like drinking water at all. She likes Soda drinks instead. She drinks at least five bottles of coke or orange juice a day.
