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  • 1. (2023·海珠模拟) 阅读理解

    Marie was born in Poland on November 7, 1867.

    Marie's family had many troubles. Her mother was seriously ill. When Marie was 6, her father lost his job and their home. They moved to a small flat. It was noisy and crowded. But the noise did not stop her from studying.

    In 1883, Marie finished high school. She dreamed of becoming a scientist. But in Poland, girls were not allowed to go to college. And her family did not have enough money to send her to a university in another country.

    Reaching her dream seemed impossible.

    Marie and her sister Bronya decided to study in France. Marie would work to pay for Bronya's schooling. Then, once Bronya left school, she would work and pay for Marie's schooling.

    Finally, in 1891, Marie's dream came true. She entered a university in Paris. In three years, she got advanced degrees in Physics and Maths. She also met a scientist named Pierre Curie and they married in 1895.

    Marie studied a metal element called uranium. She wanted to study uranium because scientists knew it gave off unseeable rays of energy. She wondered where the rays came from.

    Marie began testing rocks to find out if other elements gave off rays, too. Marie concluded two elements(元素)found in the rocks were radioactive. They were thorium and uranium.

    She called the energy "radioactivity". Marie's experiments were so exciting that she and Pierre soon began working together. One day, Marie began testing a black rock. Marie discovered a new element in the rock. She named it "polonium". After Marie took away the polonium, the rock was still radioactive. She knew another radioactive element was inside the rock. She called it "radium".

    In 1903, Marie and Pierre received the Nobel Prize in Physics. Marie was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize. In 1911, Marie accepted the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. She was the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes.

    Yet the work made her sick. On July 4, 1934, Marie Curie died of a blood disease that may be caused by radiation.

    Marie's discoveries helped save millions of lives and changed the scientific world. Radiation has been used to treat cancer. Her ideas about the atom helped lead to the discovery of nuclear energy.

    1. (1) What happened to Marie?
      A . She was born in a rich family in Poland. B . She received the Noble Prizes in Physics and Maths. C . She discovered the two new elements were radioactive. D . She went to university in France because she loved France.
    2. (2) What caused Marie to study uranium?
      A . The experiment was very exciting. B . The scientists knew nothing about uranium. C . She wanted to know where the rays came from. D . She wanted to work together with her husband.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 9 mean?
      A . The black rock. B . The energy. C . The experiment. D . The new element.
    4. (4) What's the purpose of the passage?
      A . To introduce Marie's life. B . To introduce Marie's dream. C . To introduce the Nobel Prize. D . To introduce polonium and radium.
