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  • 1. (2023八下·新抚月考)  阅读短文,然后根据其内容从A、B、C、D中选择最佳选项。                                                                       

    I usually go shopping in the city center on Saturdays, but this Saturday I am going to an old village called Beamish. I can experience the life in the past! At Beamish, you can travel on a tram(有轨电车)and have a lesson at an old village school!


    I often go to the theme parks with my friend Jill and this weekend we're going to the Adrenalin Quarry in Cornwall. We'll have a lot of fun. The Adrenalin Quarry is a great theme park. It's a wonderful place to have a good time!


    I always go swimming at the sports center on Saturday morning, but this Saturday morning I'm going to swim with sharks(鲨鱼)at the Blue Planet Sea Park. It will be a great experience! Are you good at swimming? Do you like taking risks? Then this is the place for you.


    Are you looking for something different to do this weekend? Let's see what these teenagers are going to do.

    1. (1) On Saturdays, Daisy usually____.
      A . travels on a tram B . visits a village school C . swims with sharks D . shops in the city center
    2. (2) Who are going to a theme park?
      A . Jack and Anna. B . Anna and Jill. C . Jack and Daisy. D . Daisy and Jill.
    3. (3) Jack is ____ than Anna.
      A . one year younger B . one year older C . two years younger D . two years older
    4. (4) If you are interested in history, you can go to____.
      A . Beamish B . the Adrenalin Quarry C . the sports center D . the Blue Planet Sea Park
    5. (5) What do the three teenagers have in common?
      A . They all live in Cornwall. B . They are interested in swimming. C . They're looking forward to the weekend. D . They will spend the weekend with their friends.
