One morning I noticed a woman sitting alone at the bus stop.She seemed not to go to work hurriedly.She wasn't going anywhere as well.Was she waiting for the bus?Did mall(商场)buses come this early when the stores wouldn't be open for hours?As I drove by,I heard a voice say, "Give her a bottle of water, "
"She looks like she is sleeping.Why would I wake her?What is wrong with me?What is so hard about doing the right thing?It's just a bottle of water!"
So I drove by her again and again.Finally,I pulled my car into a parking zone,stepping out with a bottle of water in one hand and a twenty-dollar bill in the other.Each step seemed to fill me with purpose and focus.No words can describe what happened between us at that moment.I thought I was bringing her a cold drink,but instead I was bringing her a hope she needed.We sat together for a while as she talked.She had a sad story to tell,but she was no longer sad.Before we parted,I grabbed all the cash I had in my purse and found more water in my car along with some snacks.We stood at the bus stop hugging and said our goodbyes.
I still have a thousand questions as to why I struggled to act.Why did it take me many circles around the mall and an argument with myself?I once wavered between helping her and ignoring her.All I know for sure is that while walking toward that woman at the bus stop,a miracle happened.
There are opportunities for us to love every day.Maybe our doubts keep us from acting.Maybe we don't want to take the risk or be uncomfortable.That day,I learned how love answers when asked and how love both gives and receives.