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  • 1. (2023八下·嵊州期末)  阅读理解

    When my daughter was in primary school, she brought home four small twigs (嫩枝) from school to plant. None of them looked very hardy, but with hope for the future, I planted them somewhere in our backyard that had enough sunlight. Over the years, because of the poor soil (土壤), three of them died. Only one was alive.

    It grew very slowly. And it didn't look like a tree because it was only a little taller than the grass in my backyard. Later, I found that it was starting to die. Most leaves of the poor plant were turning yellow and falling down.Only the top third of the tree was still green. I did my best to save it by feeding it a lot of fertilizer(肥料),but it didn't work.

    Later one morning, I went out and looked at it again. I was wondering if it would be better to just cut it down. It would make the yard look cleaner. As I walked over to take a closer look at it, however, I noticed something moving with in the leaves. It was a bird carefully building a nest in the topmost branches. I smiled when I Iooked at it. I thought maybe this old tree wass till useful. It might not be healthy or pretty but it was still giving a bird a home.

    This tree reminded me that all of our lives have a purpose. It doesn't matter if we are young and healthy or old and sick. Until our last breath, we have things to do, love to give, and joy to share. We can help to make this world a better and more beautiful place.

    1. (1) According to Paragraph 1, three of the trees died from________.
      A . little sunlight B . poor soil C . heavy rainstorms D . freezing weather
    2. (2) Which of the following is the right order according to the passage?
      ①I was planning to cut the tree down.
      ②The only living tree was starting to die.
      ③I found a nest in the tree and changed my m
      ④I planted four twigs somewhere in our back yard.
      A . ②①③④ B . ③④①② C . ④②①③ D . ④②③①
    3. (3) We can infer from the underline sentence that the writer felt_________at that time.
      A . afraid B . surprised C . worried D . strange
    4. (4) In the story, the writer want to tell us that_______.
      A . animals need to be cared by humans B . we should work hard to make a better life C . all of our lives have meanings to the world D . planting trees is not as easy as we think
