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  • 1. (2022九上·深圳开学考)  阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Mona was a young girl who lived in India. One night she saw the moon climbing into the sky slowly. It was so beautiful! Suddenly, a shining line of light from the moon danced right into 1 room and said, "The old woman on the moon invites you for a visit. Will you come with me? I will bring you 2 in a few days. "

    Mona was very excited and 3 with the moonbeam (一缕月光). Stars and planets hurried past them. At last they reached the top of a mountain. The moonbeam finally stopped at the entrance of a beautiful castle which was made of moonstones. 

    A very old woman, whose white flowing hair almost touched the ground 4 greeted the girl. She said "You are the first human whom I have ever met. I have been here for millions of years, I am so 5 .Please tell me about your life. "

    Mona was a kind girl and she had compassion (同情) for the old woman. In the following days she stayed with the old woman and told her about the life on the 6 .

    Suddenly, Mona felt someone was pushing her. Then she opened her eyes and saw her mom. Her mother said to her, "Mona, wake up! You have 7 the whole day. Come and have some food. "

    Later on, Mona took part in a writing competition in her school. Mona wrote about her wonderful dream 8 won the first prize. Mona's parents were very happy with 9 their daughter achieved and encouraged her to keep on writing. Soon Mona became a 10 and wrote many good stories for children.

    A .  she B .  her C .  his
    A .  down B .  up C .  back
    A .  put off B .  set off C .  get off
    A .  gently B .  angrily C .  impolitely
    A .  worried B .  lonely C .  nervous
    A .  earth B .  moo C .  ground
    A .  studied B .  slept C .  played
    A .  and B .  or C .  but
    A .  how B .  that C .  what
    A .  doctor B .  writer C .  teacher
