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  • 1. (2023三下·平阳期末) 六一儿童节,Tom参加了学校的游园活动,阅读下列几条谜语,完成相应的任务。

    1. (1) 将正确的谜底的序号填入相应的方框中。(

      A.    B.    C.   D.    E.

      ⑴This is Cindy the doll. It has big eyes, long hair and a small nose. It has two long legs. It is a nice doll.

      ⑵This is Lily the flamingo. It is very tall and beautiful. Its legs are so long and thin.It has a small head and short tail. It likes water. It can swim and fly.

      ⑶This is Ted the cheetahs. It is a "big cat" . It has a long tail. It has long and strong legs. It can run very fast.

      ⑷This is Danny. It has two big eyes and a big mouth. It has two short legs and two long legs. It is green. It is funny.

      ⑸This is Bing Dwen Dwen. It has a big head and two small ears. It has two big eyes. It has a white and black body. Itis the Olympic mascot. It is very lovely.

    2. (2) 根据上文,圈出正确选项,完成阅读卡片。

      Reading Card

      ⑴Cindy is a doll.                          

      A. Yes.   B. No.

      ⑵The flamingo likes water.               

      A. Yes.   B. No.

      ⑶The word "fast" means(画线单词"fast"的意思是)

      A.胖的。   B.快的。

      ⑷Danny has two legs.              

      A. Yes.   B.No.

      ⑸Bing Dwen Dwen is the Olympic mascot.       

      A. Yes.   B. No.
