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  • 1. (2023高二上·昆明开学考) 阅读理解

    Everyone procrastinates. We put things off because we don't want to do them, or because we have too many other things on our plates. Putting things off- big or small- is part of being buman. But procrastination does have consequences. When your procrastination leaves you feeling discouraged, it is time to take action, and one of tbe best ways to get rid of it is to make an un-schedule. 

    An un-schedule is a weekly calendar of all the ways in which your time is already accounted for. You consider not only your timed commitments such as classes and meetings, but also your untimed activitics such as meals, exercise, time with friends, and the like. Once you have made your un-schedule, you may be able to see your tine is often filled with more activities than you realize, for instance, that you really don't have five bours to spend writing on the nigbt before your paper is due. Procrastinators' views of time tend to be unrealistic, and the un-schedule can help you outline a realistic plan. By planning accordingly, you will not only get a better night's sleep, you may also end lup with a better paper. 

    The un-schedule might also be a good way to get started on a larger project, such as a temm paper or an honors paper. You may think that you have"all semester"" to get the writing done, but if you really map out how much ime you bave available to write on a daily and weekly basis, you will sce that you need to get started sooner, rather than later. In addition, the un-schedule may reveal especially busy weeks or months, whicb will help you budget time for long- term projects.

    Perhaps most importantly, the un-schedule can help you examine how you spend your time. You may be suprised at how much time you spend watching television, and decide to make a change. It's especially important that you build time for fun activities into your un-schedulc. Otherwise, you will procrastinate in order to steal time for relaxation. 

    You can also use the un-schedule to record your progress towards your goal. Reward yourself for your small successes. Seeing what you've achieved will help you reinforce (强化) the productive behavior, and you will feel more motivated in the following process. 

    AS you explore ways to conqucr procrastination, don't expect overnight transformnation. You developed the habit over a long time; you aren't going stop magically. But you can change the behavior, bit by bit. If you start to make an un-schedule now, you will eventually develop new babits. 

    1. (1) From Paragraph 2, we can kaow that procrastinators?
      A . usually have sleeping problems B . tend to be unrealistic in daily life C . spend more time in doing exercise D . often fail to notice untimed activities
    2. (2) Which of the following statements best reflects an un-schedule?
      A . "Now I have more time for fun. " B . "I can start my big project later. " C . "I'll treat myself to a movie for my progress. D . "I'm going to have more time to finish my paper. "
    3. (3) According to the writer, people need to make an un- schedule because of their. 
      A . interests in doing things differently B . determination to try out new things C . inability to manage time properly D . lack of concentration on a project
    4. (4) The author writes the passage to
      A . show concerns B . offer suggestions C . express dissatisfaction D . make comments
