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  • 1. (2023九上·南京开学考) 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。

    "Don't judge a book by its cover," the old saying goes. Unluckily, as a teenager, that is often exactly what you do to yourself. Dark thoughts about your physical appearance can hang over you all the time like a rain cloud. Do I look fat in these jeans? Do others think I am too short? These thoughts can have a negative(消极的) influence on people of any shape or size, both male and female, and it is important to guard against the causes behind them.

    Standards of beauty in the media can have a big influence on what you think of your physical appearance. Teens who try to copy the looks of their favouritestars are fighting a losing battle—these standards are simply impossible for most of the population to live up to. They will only end up feeling worse about themselves. 

    Your friends also influence the way you view your physical appearance. If you have friends who are good-looking or have a great fashion sense, it can feel like you are living in their shadow. For children of digital age, social media makes this problem even worse. Your friends may post a "never ending" series of photos online to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies, and it becomes easier for you to compare yourself to them. This has proved to have a negative effect on what you think of your physical appearance.

    These external influences are always present, but there are certainly ways to deal with them. First of all, be careful not to follow popular beauty standards blindly. They are out of reach for 99% of us, so it is better to just forget about them. 

    Another tip is to remind yourself that you are unique(独一无二的). Keep in mind that your family and friends love you just the way you are. Talk about your feelings with someone you trust. Focusing on your strength also helps you build your confidence. Everyone has their own talents—you may be good at painting or playing the piano, so take pride in things you do well instead of worrying about things you cannot change. 

    You may often judge yourself by what is on the outside, not on the inside. However, like a book, your contents are much more important than your cover. If you can learn to see the good things about yourself—your individuality, your value to others, your achievements—you will soon begin to love yourself just the way you are. 

    Never judge a book by its cover


    Unluckily, teenager often judge a person by his or her appearance, and this influences them 

    for this problem

    ●Standards of beauty in the media. 

    Teens may find it impossible to copy the looks of their favouritestars and it will make them worse about themselves as a result. 

    ●Your friends with good looks or sense of 

    Digital age and social media make it easier for you to compare yourself to your friends because of their  series of photos online. 

    Ways to solve it

     following popular beauty standards blindly. 

    ●Remind yourself that you are unique. 

     that your family and friends love you just the way you are. 

    Pay more attention to your strength to help you be  as well. 


    ●Like a book, your contents are of greater  than your cover. 

    ●You will love yourself just the way you are if you begin to know that how special and  you are and what achievements you have made. 
