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  • 1. (2023八下·上城期末)  阅读单选

    There was once a poor man who lived in a village. Every day, he walked through the village looking for someone who could give him a little work. When he was lucky, he made enough money to buy one small meal. 

    One day, the man saw a fat goose (鹅) run by, so he caught it. "What a hearty meal you will make!" said the man. "Tonight my stomach will be full. "

    "Do not eat me!" cried the goose. "I am a goose like no other. If you feed me and take care of me, I will lay golden eggs for you. "

    "Can this be true?" the man wondered. "Since this goose can talk, perhaps it can lay golden eggs, too. I will give it a chance (机会). " So the man took the goose home and fed it the last food in his kitchen, even though he had to go to bed hungry that night.

    As soon as he woke up the next morning, the man rushed over to the goose. Under the goose he found a large, shiny egg made of gold. He took the egg to the market and sold it for lots of money. When he came home, his arms were full of food, including good food for the goose. 

    Each day, the goose laid another golden egg and the man sold it. Before long, the man was very rich, yet he wanted to become even richer. "Why should I spend so much money on food for the goose?" he asked himself. He decided to cut the goose open and get all the golden eggs at once.

    The man cut the goose open and found no golden eggs. "What have I done?" he cried.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "hearty" in paragraph 2 mean?
      A . Large. B . Hot. C . Quick. D . Small.
    2. (2) Why did the man take the goose home?
      A . Because he wanted to cook it for dinner. B . Because he decided to sell it for money. C . Because the goose might make him rich. D . Because the goose asked him for food.
    3. (3) What was the correct order according to the passage?

      a. The man cut the goose open and found nothing.   b. The man found a golden egg under the goose. 

      c. The man fed the goose with the last food he had.   d. The man bought some good food for the goose. 

      A . b—c—a—d B . c—b—d—a C . b—d—a—c D . d—b—c—a
    4. (4) What is the story trying to tell us?
      A . We may lose what we have if we always want more. B . We should give the food we have to those in need. C . It's quite difficult for us to find a job in the village. D . It's important for us to take good care of animals.
