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  • 1. (2023八下·上城期末)  下面文章中有五处(第1—5题)需要添加小标题。请从A、B、C、D、E和F中选出符合各段意义的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    Learning how to read English well can be an important task. But it's something you'll have to do on your language learning journey. Reading well in English is useful for many reasons, including but not limited to taking tests. These tips are for you!

    There are textbooks and graded readers, but there are also lots of books you can read. To choose the right reading material (材料), you need to decide what your goal is. And don't pick a book that is too easy or too difficult.

    To improve your reading, you need to plan a time to read. To make sure your practice gets done, put it in your study schedule! You could also set a reading goal. Set aside a certain amount of time to spend reading or decide on a certain number of pages you want to read each day. 

    Reading can both introduce you to new words and teach you how to use them. Many words in English are often used together in a similar way. Reading groups of words, or words that go together, will help you better understand how to use your new vocabulary. 

    As you're practicing your reading, you need to accept the fact that you might not understand every single word, and that's OK! Your brain can only learn so many new vocabulary words at one time. It's more important to get the big picture of what you're reading and go back to check words you don't understand later.

    We hope these tips can help improve your reading skills!

    A. Don't try to understand everything.

    B. How to improve your reading. 

    C. Choose the right reading materials. 

    D. How to learn all the subjects well. 

    E. Read groups of words. 

    F. Be well planned. 
