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  • 1. (2023·南京模拟) 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

    The following three students are writing letters to the school office. 

    Our lunchtime is short. Many of us have some school work to do after lunch. But if we don't get a good rest, we can't have enough(足够的)energy for the afternoon. So we want to have more time to take a nap after lunch.

    Wang Yang(boy, 13)

    Food in our dining hall is not nice at all. There is always pork, tofu and potatoes. The soup is never hot. I like pork, tofu and potatoes. But why we have them every day? And why can't we have hot soup?

    Wu Xiaofang(girl, 13)

    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! We want more time for sport activities. But there is only thirty minutes for us to have sports every day. I think school should end before 4:00 p. m. every day and then we can go to the playground. 

    Dai Huimin(boy, 14)

    1. (1) Wang Yang's classmates often ____ after lunch.
      A . have a good rest B . do school work C . take a nap
    2. (2) The underlined word"nap"may mean ____in English.
      A . a short sleep B . a good lunch C . a short lunchtime
    3. (3) Wu Xiaofang doesn't like the ____ at school.
      A . pork B . potatoes C . soup
    4. (4) From the three letters, we know____. 
      A . they really like the school rules B . they complain(抱怨)about their school rules C . they are not good students at all
    5. (5) Which of the following sentence is NOT right according to the passage? 
      A . Wang Yang thinks lunchtime is short B . Wu Xiaofeng thinks lunch at school is very bad. C . Dai Huimin wants more time for study.
