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  • 1. (2023四下·柳州期末) 判断下列句子的正误。

    Long long ago, an old woman has two sons, Dalong and Xiaolong. Dalong sells(卖) shoesand Xiaolong sells umbrellas.

    The old woman says,"I don't like rainy days." Dalong can't sell shoes well. I' m not happy. I don't like sunny days. Xiaolong can't sell umbrellas well. I'm not happy, neither."An old man says, "Don't be worried. You should think(思考)like this. On rainy days, Xiaolong can sell umbrellas well. On sunny days, Dalong can sell shoes well."

    "You are right! " The old woman is happy now.

    1. (1) The old woman has three sons.
    2. (2) Dalong sells shoes.
    3. (3) The old woman doesn't like(不喜欢) rainy days and sunny days.
    4. (4) What do you know(明白)from this story ?

      A . 无论白猫与黑猫,捉到老鼠就是好猫。 B . 东边日出西边雨。 C . 换角度思考,不开心的事会变成开心的事。
