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  • 1. (2021六下·高明期末) 阅读对话,根据对话内容判断正误。

    Miss Hu: Time flies! This is your last year in primary school. Do you still remember your first day at school?

    All: Yes, we do.

    Sam: Mike, on the first day we all looked at you because you were such a little lovely boy. You were shorter than all of others.

    Mike: Ha-ha! Yes, I was.

    John: Sam, you started to cry when your mum waved(挥手)you goodbye.

    Sam: well, yes.

    Sarah: I was too excited at the first day.

    Mike: And you walked out of the classroom when we were having Chinese class. Sarah: Yes. I went out for a walk around the school and I couldn't find our classroom. Sam: That was too funny. We were all babies then.

    Miss Hu: You are all much taller and stronger now.

    Mike: Look, there is a little boy crying in the playground.

    Sam: Maybe he is one of the year one(一年级) babies. Mike: And he can't find his classroom!

    All: Let's go and help him.

    1. (1) This is Mike's last year in primary school.
    2. (2) Mike was shorter than his classmates when he was a year-one student.
    3. (3) Sarah was sad on the first day at school.
    4. (4) Sam didn't cry on the first day at school.
    5. (5) Mike and his classmates will go and help the little boy in the playground.
