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  • 1. (2023高三上·泰州开学考) 阅读理解

    Businesses are now in cost-cutting mode. Title inflation(头衔通胀)has crept into the workplace. Layoffs, hiring freezes and concerns about a recession( 经济衰退 )are plaguing employers. 

    To balance this unique economic environment, employers have figured out a way to comfort employees and job applicants without spending more money. They are offering lofty-sounding (听起来高大上的): titles to soften the blow of not providing a raise to internal employees or big compensation to job candidates. 

    An employee's title is their identity. It gives them credibility in the office and makes them feel more powerful. 9In this sense, the policy is a sensible way to help retain staff and attract top candidates. 

    But if you don't really deserve the new title, it could come back and haunt you. Recruiters (招聘人员) will be pleased to find a candidate who is a perfect ft for a significant, well-paying position in terms of skills, background, and previous experience. However, a stumbling block arises when they notice the candidate has a higher title than the client offers. Since a recruiter wants to make a placement and earn a fee, they won't waste time and will seek out other candidates who are a better fit. 

    Even if the recruiters decide to contact the candidate, there's a good chance the candidate won't accept. Because most people aren't aware that their title was inflated and believe it was a reward for their outstanding performance. Understandably, they would be offended if they received a lower-level post. Now that you are at a certain level, you don't want to go backward. 

    What's more, if your current title is too high, it raises red flags. For example, when searching for a new job, if your title is "director," but the new role is under that level, the interviewer will. curiously inquire,"why do you want to go down in tilt?" There will be a presumption from the,hiring manager that something isn't right. They may feel that the job seeker is leaving before being fired and willing to downgrade. Rather than trying to figure out the motivations of the ,candidate,they'll move on to others who have a cleaner story without any baggage.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "plaguing" in paragraph 1 probably mean?
      A . Shocking B . Embarrassing. C . Troubling D . Confusing.
    2. (2) What can we learn about employees with lofty-sounding titles?
      A . Their salaries don't match their titles. B . They tend to look down upon others. C . Their fear of being fired will disappear. D . They get a good platform for development.
    3. (3) What will a recruiter probably do if a candidate's title is higher than the client offers?
      A . He will have a discussion with the client. B . He will contact the job applicant immediately. C . He will not take the candidate into consideration. D . He will spare no effort to know more about the job applicant.
    4. (4) What is hiring managers' attitude towards those who choose to downgrade?
      A . Enthusiastic. B . Annoyed. C . Appreciative. D . Doubtful.
