Are you terrified of public speaking?Don't worry, because you are not alone.
Other people also have the same fear. But there are several ways to get over your fear of public speaking.
Let's face it: the biggest problem with public speak is not the audience(观众)It's you. You are nervous. The audience is not expecting you to fail—it means you are expecting yourself to fail. The first step in getting over your fear of public speaking is to understand that you are your own worst enemy.
We are all in this together: you and the audience are a team. Everyone in the audience is looking at you because they are waiting to learn something from you. You should want and like to teach them. The best way to do that is to be prepared(准备好的)。
The worst thing that could happen: you may never get over your fear of public speaking, but that does not mean you can't do well in front of a group. People with a fear of public speaking often have a fear of making mistakes. But you can take solace in knowing that if you can make a mistake,99%of the audience will not realize it, and your life will still go on after the speech is over!