After a long day's work, you may want to pet your cat to relax. A new toy can now give you that same feeling even if you don't have a real cat!
Scientists at Cornell University recently have made a brush-like toy, reported New Atlas , an online science website. Wear it on your arm and it can slowly move a piece of soft fur (毛) along your skin. It feels just like touching a furry cat.
Scientists made this toy to help people deal with stress. Past studies showed that touching either humans or animals can lower people's blood pressure, and allow people to relax. Why is that?
According to the science website Wired , this comes from evolution (进化). Primates (灵长目动物) spend about 15 percent of their waking hours grooming (梳毛) one another. They do this to make friends and trade food with others. Chimps (大猩猩) have been found to share food with those that groomed them. Touch means to show your kindness. As humans developed into the most social animals, touch became a more powerful way to show our relations with others. Many studies found that a hug or a pat can make our body produce oxytocin, a chemical (化学物质) created by our body, which makes us more trusting and friendlier, while also lowering our blood pressure.
The inventor of the toy also made a system that can test users' stress levels. Then it can start to work by itself when needed. They even want to use the invention in the armrest (扶手) of the cinema seat. The armrest will touch you while you are watching the movie, and its feeling will change with the story in the film.