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  • 1. (2023高二下·太原期末)  阅读理解 

    If you're a girl between the ages of 7 and 17, and you're hoping to meet new friends, join the Circle of Friends Club, which offers a safe environment for young girls to meet friends of their own ages on the Internet.

     The site protects the email addresses of its members and allows girls to send mass emails to many friends at once. Since the club has members from everywhere, friends can be made locally, nationally or around the world. 

     It has a special interest search so that girls who are, for example, interested in sports can find other friends that have the same interest. Members can create their own page at Circle of Friends where they can introduce others to their family members or their friends.  

    Those who would like to join the club need to pay $12 per year. At least you'll feel safe knowing that your daughter's privacy (隐私) is well protected here. There's also a short list of rules, and if the rules are broken, the member will not be accepted anymore.

     Rules are general: The club is only for girls who are between the ages of 7 and 17. You must stay active in the club — that is, you must send at least one letter to one of your pen friends every month. Anyone reported for using rude words in their letters will be banned.  

    No one is allowed to put email addresses, last name, the phone number or the name of school in letters. It's also against the rules to ask a member to contact another member outside of the club. Every member needs to get the okay from their parents to become a member at the Circle of Friends Club.

    Girls looking for friends won't find a safer site than the Circle of Friends Club. In addition, they'll have a chance to meet other girls from around the world, learn about their cultures, and start up friendships that could last forever.

    1. (1) What do we know about the Circle of Friends Club? 
      A . Girls find it hard to follow most of its rules. B . Most of its members are from foreign countries. C . Each of its members owns just one email address. D . Girls with the same hobbies can find each other easily here.
    2. (2) What does the author think of the money the club charges every year? 
      A . It should be free of charge. B . It is a waste of money. C . It is worth the money. D . It charges too much.
    3. (3) If you're a member of the Circle of Friends Club, you should ____.

       a. be a girl of 7-17 years old 

       b. write to your pen friends every week 

       c. never say something impolite in letters 

       d. pay a small amount of money every year 

       e. share your personal information with your pen friends 

      A . acd B . abc C . bcd D . bde
