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     Awe is the feeling of amazement and respect mixed with surprise. Research shows that awe experiences decrease stress and anxiety and increase positive (积极的) emotions and overall satisfaction in life. It can also improve our relationships, making us more likely to help others and more supported. 

     Most of us connect awe with something unusual and beautiful: nature, music or a spiritual experience. But ordinary people can bring about awe too. Research shows we can be awed by our nearest and dearest—the people sitting next to us, or talking on the other end of the phone. Psychologists call this interpersonal awe. 

    Often, this interpersonal awe is how people respond (反应) to life's big changes, like seeing a baby's first steps or a friend fighting against cancer. Yet interpersonal awe happens in our everyday life, too. John Bargh, a psychologist, said he was "truly awe struck" by his then 5-year-old daughter while dining in a McDonald's years ago. When she heard another child crying across the restaurant, she took the toy from her Happy Meal, walked over and handed it to him.

    We can't make someone else behave in an awesome way, but we can get prepared to notice it when they do and take steps to strengthen the emotion's positive effects.

    To increase your chances of feeling awed by people around you, Marianna Craziosi, an expert in positive psychology, suggests you direct your attention to people's positive sides and catch them at their best. You may think your brother or friend is selfish; there may be a little truth to that, but it's never the whole story. "Try to find examples of him helping others or doing something great. In other words, become a field scientist, like Jane Goodall," Graziosi said.

    To help you recognize and remember a special experience, say out loud "Wow, that was awesome!" when awe strikes you. Enjoy it in the moment and tell others about it. This will strengthen your positive emotions. And recall it or write about it later. Studies show awe can be drawn again simply by remembering an awe experience.

    When you feel awed by people around you, thank them and let them know just how much their actions affect you. This makes the other person feel good and can give your relationship an improvement. And you'll also have high levels of happiness and psychological well-being.

     Awe could be anywhere. Perhaps awe, while an ordinary response to the extraordinary, is also an extraordinary response to the ordinary. 

    1. (1) You are likely to feel interpersonal awe when ____. 
      A . you listen to a CD of a popular singer B . you read a book about a famous person C . you get a surprise help from your family D . you watch a beautiful sunset with friends
    2. (2) By saying the underlined words in Paragraph 5, Graziosi suggests that we should ____. 
      A . read about how to get on with others B . try to get a full picture of other people C . watch carefully how others do their jobs D . learn from an expert in positive psychology
    3. (3) The writer would probably agree that ____. 
      A . awe often comes from senses of satisfaction B . awe moments are usually very difficult to create C . nature provides the most awe in our everyday life D . recalling awe experiences strengthens relationships
    4. (4) Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? 
      A . Respond to Awe in Everyday Life B . Spread Awe to People Around C . Express Thanks to Awesome People D . Take down Awesome Moments
