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  • 1. (2023高三上·长沙月考)  阅读理解

    When you walk with a backpack, do you know how the things inside move from side to side? Now scientists have figured out how to tap into that movement to produce electricity.

    Picture a pendulum(摆锤) fixed to a backpack frame and stabilized with springs on either side. The pack's weight is attached to the pendulum, so the pendulum swings side to side as you walk. Then a machine is driven by that swinging movement, and produces electrical current to charge a battery.

    Volunteers carried the pack while walking on a running machine and wore masks to measure the flow of O2, and CO2. When the volunteers were walking with the slightly swinging 20-pound load, the device did not significantly affect their metabolic(新陈代谢的) rate compared to when they carried the same weight fixed in place. In fact, the energy-harvesting pack reduced the forces of acceleration they'd feel in a regular pack, which might mean greater comfort for a long hike. And the device did produce a steady trickle(涓流) of electricity. If you up the load to 45 pounds, it could fully charge a smartphone only after 12 hours. The details are in the journal Royal Society Open Science.

    The device produces electricity from human movement and has been identified as a workable solution to providing a renewable energy source for portable electronic devices. It is particularly useful to those who work in remote areas, as these people often carry a lot of weight in a backpack for their exploration.

    But here's a real conundrum: the energy-harvesting device currently weighs five pounds. The researchers say that's about four pounds too many to be a smart alternative to batteries. So they hope that more research lets them lighten the load so that they can ensure the pack charges your phone up without weighing you down.

    1. (1) What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
      A . How the device works. B . What the device looks like. C . Who the device is designed for. D . Why scientists designed the device.
    2. (2) What can we know about the device from Paragraph 3?
      A . It was useless for a long walk. B . It failed to produce steady electricity. C . It harvested energy as the volunteers walked. D . Royal Society Open Service conducted the study of the device.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "conundrum" in the last paragraph mean?
      A . bond. B . problem. C . decision. D . method.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . Finding Smarter Alternatives to Batteries B . How Can the Movement of Backpack Help? C . Charging Batteries When Carrying Backpacks D . Searching for New Ways to Charge Your Phone
