Probably nothing can compare with a parent's will to protect her child.Let's see how these animals find ways to protect their children.
| Sperm whales are emperors of the ocean.They are also the world's biggest babysitters.The mother supports her 2 baby near the surface in order to help it to breathe until it is strong enough to swim on its own.While they are diving for food,however,their young may be unable to follow their parents. This causes a big childcare problem.The solution?A babysitter. Older whales have an active role.They may be aunts or grandmothers(who can live to 100 or more years old) and they may even be members of other families.They patiently take care of the young whales just under the surface of the water,waiting for the feeding mothers to return. |
| Elephants give new meaning to the phrase:takes a village to raise a child."The baby has a huge group of mothers.These mothers take turns to watch over each other's children.They are called "allmothers",helping the new born survive(生存) by helping its mother.With their help,the mother can get enough food and provide milk for her child.After carrying a nearly 300 pound baby for 22 months,you'd probably need some rest ,too! |
| How far would you go to protect your child?Would you starve (饿死) yourself to help it survive? Female Octopuses do.An octopus lays between 50,000 and 200,000 eggs each time.Then,she separates the eggs into groups based on their size,shape and possibility of survival.She then spends the next two months of her life protecting them.She is so busy keeping them alive.She doesn't even have time to feed herself﹣ so she often ends up dying shortly after her eggs hatch (孵化). |
①She lays her eggs.
②Her eggs hatch.
③She dies of hunger.
④She separates the eggs into groups.
⑤She works hard to keep her eggs alive.