I always have a dream:It's the end of the semester,and I suddenly realize that there is a lecture I missed. and now I have to sit for the final exam. I wake up panicked, my GPA in danger.How could I have done this? Why? Oh, my God! Then I remember I haven't been in college for more than a decade
My old schoolmates might argue that this nightmare scenario(场景)is not that far removed from my actual college experience, and that at certain times in my life, it did not take the magic of sleeping to find me completely unprepared tor a final. And, regardless of what may or may not be true of my academic accuracy, I suspect the school-stress dream is quite a common one.
My suspicion was confirmed by Deirdre Barrett, a dream researcher at Harvard University. She explained that these dreams tend to pop up when the dreamer is anxious in waking life. Particularly when evaluated by an authority figure. people who wanted to act or play music at an early age tend to experience anxiety dreams not about school, but about auditions(试镜)-that was where they interacted with the figures who could most easily crush them. In each of these dream scenarios , we revisit the space where we first experienced success or failure based on our performance.
To find out what my specified performance based anxiety dream means, I went to Jane Anderson, a dream analyst. Although science is undecided about the exact purpose of dreams,what night he behind "that dream scenario, being hack at school and having to take this final,she told me, is,"feeling tested in lie, feeling that you have to respond to other people's expectations, and feeling that you're not meeting those expectations.""So you think back to school. So much stuff happens in school that really sets your foundational beliefs and really sticks there in your unconscious mind. It can be very hard to let go of those beliefs," she said.