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  • 1. (2023八上·开州期末)  阅读理解

    "Flying Over Chongqing" is a game in Chongqing Rongchuang Cultural Tourism City (重庆融创文旅城). With a pair of glasses, you can visit many places of interest in Chongqing in a few minutes. This is VR—the most exciting technology (科技) nowadays. It can put you in a new but unreal world.

    With VR, you can study in a classroom with students from all over the world. You can try on the clothes from different stores or taste delicious food from other places. Doctors can also use VR to help children who can't put their attention into a thing. This technology makes our life more colorful.

    VR technology is also widely used in the game. This year many famous companies (公司), like Apple Inc., Microsoft, Samsung, are trying to make full use of VR technology in the game. For example, ____ . The VR technology in this game can make players more excited when playing. 

    VR technology is going to change our life. Some users will lose themselves and feel mad when playing games with it. Some enjoy themselves too much in the unreal world and don't want to come back to be themselves in real life. Whether you're interested in the unreal world or not, please come back to the real world and be yourself.

    1. (1) "Flying over Chongqing" is ____ in Chongqing.
      A . a pair of glasses B . a clothes store C . a famous company D . an exciting game
    2. (2) In Paragraph 2, the writer tells us the use of VR by ____.
      A . giving examples B . showing pictures C . telling stories D . asking questions
    3. (3) Which of the following can be put in the ____.
      A . WeChat can send messages B . Douyin is popular with people C . Game for Peace is an interesting game D . My People, My Country is a great film
    4. (4) What can we infer(推断) from the passage?
      A . VR is the most exciting technology nowadays. B . The unreal world will become everything for most people. C . We'd better be ourselves in the real world if we lose ourselves in the unreal world. D . The VR technology in the game can make players more excited after playing.
