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  • 1. (2023高三上·忻州月考)  阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入第一,三,五,八,十一,十四,十六句处。共填七处。

    The concept of time has fascinated philosophers, scientists, and artists throughout history. ⒉Time's passage seems relentless, yet its nature remains a subject of deep contemplation and debate. ⒊Some believe time is an objective reality, an unchanging stream that flows independently of human perception. ⒋ Others argue that time is a construct of the human mind, a way for us to make sense of the world.

    The idea of time travel has captured the human imagination for centuries. ⒍Fictional works, from H.G.Wells'"The Time Machine" to Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar," explore the possibilities and paradoxes of traversing the temporal landscape. ⒎While time travel remains relegated to the realm of science fiction, the study of time's nature and behavior is a serious pursuit among physicists.

    One intriguing phenomenon related to time is time dilation, a concept from Einstein's theory of relativity.

    ⒐According to this theory, time can slow down or speed up depending on factors like velocity and gravity.

    ⒑This phenomenon has been experimentally verified with atomic clocks flown on fast-moving airplanes and placed in strong gravitational fields.

    Philosophical discussions about the nature of time often touch on the distinction between past, present,and future. ⒓Some physicists propose that all moments in time exist simultaneously, blurring the lines between these temporal divisions. ⒔This idea challenges our common sense understanding of time as a linear progression.

    Moreover, the concept of time has cultural and psychological dimensions. ⒖Different cultures and religions perceive time differently, with varying views on the significance of the past, present, and future. ⒗Psychologically, time perception can be influenced by factors such as age, emotions, and cognitive processes.

    A) This has led to debates about whether time travel is theoretically possible.
    B) Einstein's theories revolutionized our understanding of time and space.
    C) These considerations raise fundamental questions about the nature of time.
    D) Some cultures emphasize a cyclical view of time, while others focus on linear progression.
    E) Our ability to perceive the passage of time is central to human experience.
    F) Time's connection to our personal memories and experiences is undeniable.
    G) Philosophers have pondered whether time itself has a direction or purpose.
