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  • 1. (2023八上·江城期中) 请通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 根据语法和上下文连贯的要求, 从每小题所给三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Mr. Hill was my English teacher. He was 1  friendly man. 

    I was a thin girl and was 2  than any other student in the class. Because of that, myclassmates often laughed at 3 . I didn't talk to anyone in my class and became very shy. 

    One day, Mr. Hill told us 4 our compositions(作文)in front of the class. He also told us if we didn't do that, we might fail(不及格)that term. When it was my turn, I told Mr. Hill to put an"F"on my composition 5 I didn't want to read it. I didn't want others to laugh at me. Mr. Hilwas surprised, but after knowing the fact, he said, "Sally has a very 6 composition here and Ithink everyone needs to listen to it. We should listen to it carefully and learn 7 her. "

    I walked to the front and looked at everyone. The students were all quiet. "You 8 do it, "Mr. Hill said. His words 9 me calm(镇静的). I read the composition loudly. After I finished, my classmates all said it 10 a wonderful composition. From then on, some of my classmates made friends with me

    Thanks to Mr. Hill, I wasn't shy any more. 

    A .  an B .  a C .  the
    A .  short B .  shorter C .  the shortest
    A .  me B .  my C .  I
    A .  read B .  reading C .  to read
    A .  and B .  but C .  because
    A .  good B .  well C .  better
    A .  for B .  up C .  from
    A .  can B .  can't C .  may
    A .  make B .  makes C .  made
    A .  were B .  was C .  are
