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  • 1. (2023八上·义乌期中)  阅读下面的短文,将方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文完整、通顺。

    ChatGPT has been in the news since it shows on November 30th, 2022. It        can talk with humans freely. ChatGPT is developed by Open AI, which is founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman. 

    Provide help in doing homework

    ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot(聊天机器人)that can help kids with their homework. It uses natural language processing(自然语言处理) to understand questions and provide answers to them. ChatGPT can not only offer step-by-step ways to solve problems and explain concepts (概念). . With ChatGPT, kids can get help with their homework anytime, anywhere. 

    Understand the basic(基本的) knowledge

    ChatGPT can help kids to learn the basic knowledge and get a better understanding of how the technology(技术)and AI work. . What's more, kids can also learn how to use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms (算法) to make their chatbot smarter. ChatGPT can also help kids to improve their writing skills.

    ChatGPT can help kids in learning coding(编码) by offering them with a conversational interface (对话界面) that can be used to ask questions and receive answers. . What's more, ChatGPT can offer useful help and tips by the learning process, making it easier for kids to understand and use the concepts they are learning.

    A.         Learn how to code(编码). 

    B.         It can also help kids find useful text and topics. 

    C.         Now the platform is free and children can do many things with it. 

    D.         This means that kids can play with ChatGPT to get knowledge and understanding of coding concept. 

    E.         By using ChatGPT, kids can make up their own conversational AI chatbot and join it. 
