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  • 1. (2023高二上·灵山开学考) 阅读理解

    In school we learned about Earth. We learned that rivers flow from higher ground to lower ground. They usually end at a bigger river or go into a lake or ocean.

    I can see that every day in Chicago. Our river goes into the lake. It's a giant lake. We used to go fishing on the river every summer. Most days you would find me and my grandfather there, fishing. My father was busy working for the city. I did not know what his job was. He said it was in the Sanitary(卫生的) and Ship Canal.

    My grandfather would take me to the river."In the old days,"he said, "this was a clean stream. Now look at it. It is filthy". Sometimes we even saw dead fish floating on it.

    When we brought the fish home, my mother would throw them out. "We can't eat this. This is dirty, bad fish." She sounded angry. So my grandfather and I stopped bringing the fish home. Sometimes we would go to fish and throw them back. But mostly we just stayed at home. We were sad about it. 

    Then one day my father was so busy he was not home. That New Year's Day he worked, too. My mother was worried. It is too cold." But he went anyway.

    Then two days later the newspaper said, "It is a miracle!" That was the headline. I read the article. It told how the workers on the Sanitary and Ship Canal had done something impossible. They had reversed the Chicago River. They dug such a great hole that the river rushed away from the lake. It now went to the west. I was excited. So was my grandfather. He said, "Now we can go fishing this summer."

    We both laughed. So did my mother. My father smiled a lot, all day long.

    1. (1) What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
      A . To introduce a geographic concept. B . To test readers' knowledge about rivers. C . To introduce the topic of the article. D . To show the miracle of the nature.
    2. (2) The author stopped bringing home fish, because____.
      A . the fish they got were all dead B . his mother hated eating fish C . he wanted to preserve the river D . the fish were too dirty to eat
    3. (3) What miracle did the author's father and his co-workers created?
      A . They kept the Chicago River incredibly clean. B . They dug a huge hole to store the polluted water. C . They saved all the fish in the Chicago River. D . They changed the direction of the Chicago River.
    4. (4) Which of the following words can best describe the author's father?
      A . Mysterious(神秘的). B . Dedicated(献身的). C . Critical(挑剔的). D . Kind-hearted.
