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  • 1. (2023高一上·泸县期中) 第二节读后续写,阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    The whole class burst out laughing as Bruce rushed into the classroom. He was a strange sight. His half-buttoned white shirt revealed a red pajama top(睡衣上衣) underneath and instead of white school shoes, he had on a pair of bright green shoes that were two sizes too big. 

    Bruce said quietly, "Sorry teacher"and walked to his seat. Mr. Tan looked at the rest of the students. The laughter quickly turned to silence. Bruce's classmates always looked forward to Mondays. Nine times out often, they would be entertained by Bruce's late arrival and his odd appearance which usually included inappropriate clothing.

    Bruce lived just a street away from the school. He walked to school daily. Students passing by in buses would shout his name together just to see him jump and stop in his tracks. When he spotted the merry bunch in the bus, he would wave good-naturedly. Although Bruce was likable, he was too lost in his own thoughts to make friends. His classmates found him amusing but they ignored him most of the time. Only Tom, who sat next to Bruce, tried to be his friend. 

    The following Monday, Bruce did not turn up at school. His classmates were a little disappointed but quickly forgot about him. After school, Tom decided to walkover to Bruce's house to check on him. As he approached the gate, he could hear violin music. Bruce must be listening to music, he thought. The gate was not locked. Tom let himself in. He called Bruce's name a few times but there was no response. The music played on. Tom looked in through a window. His eyes widened in surprise. In the middle of the living room, Bruce was playing the violin. His eyes were closed in concentration as he drew the bow (琴弓) over the strings expertly. He played beautifully, so much so that it sounded like a recording. Tom left quietly.

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    When Teachers' Day came around, Tom had a plan.

    When Bruce started to play, the audience fell silent. 
