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  • 1. (2023高二上·贵阳月考) 阅读理解

    Do you speak a dialect (方言) in daily life? While many Chinese people speak Mandarin (普通话), some local dialects are in danger of disappearing. To save them, the Chinese government started the Chinese Language Resources Protection Project (中国语言资源保护工程) a few years ago.

    This project looks at how people talk in 1,712 places. Their languages include 103 dialects that are almost gone. It has helped China to build the largest language resource library in the world. There's an online library where people can learn dialects from over 5.6 million audio clips (音频) and over 5 million videos.

    Why is it important to protect the dialect culture? According to British linguist Harold Palmer, dialects are a key to store local cultures. Language faithfully shows the history, the beliefs and the biases (偏见) of an area, he said.

    Scholar Zhang Hongming talked about his concerns of the disappearing of dialects, "For about over 10 years, in the Wu dialect areas such as Shanghai and Suzhou, children aged 6 to 15 can understand but hardly speak the dialect. Meanwhile, young people above 15 years old sometimes speak it, but not very well. If this keeps happening, the dialect might disappear," he said.

    So how did China make this big library? "A big national effort has been put into the project to make it happen," said Cao Zhiyun, chief expert on the project. Over five years, more than 350 universities and research groups joined in, along with over 4,500 experts and more than 6,000 dialect speakers.

    The project is now entering into its second part. This includes creating digital tools like apps and mobile dictionaries to help people learn dialects.

    1. (1) What is the purpose of the project?
      A . To teach people Mandarin. B . To protect dialects. C . To develop people's speaking skills. D . To show ways of talking.
    2. (2) How many audio clips are collected in this project?
      A . 103. B . 1,712. C . 5 million. D . Over 5.6 million.
    3. (3) What is the situation of Wu dialect according to Zhang Hongming?
      A . It is in danger of disappearance. B . It is widely spoken in Suzhou. C . It has more than 6,000 dialect speakers. D . It is taught in more than 350 universities.
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . China online language resource library. B . Cao Zhiyun, chief expert on the project. C . The Chinese Language Resources Protection Project. D . Zhang Hongming, a scholar of Chinese dialect protection.
