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  • 1. (2023高三上·安徽月考) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    "In my childhood, the village was a different world altogether. The houses were old, roads were 1 . But now, our village boasts modern, well-constructed homes, wide well-lit roads, and practically every household owns 2 one car," Li Jing, the director assistant to the village secretary of Maotianping Village Committee in Enshi, Hubei province.

    Li is a native of this village and was one of the first from her community to pursue higher 3 . She studied hotel management and tourism at Wuhan University of Science and Technology. After graduation, she gained a(n) 4  in the hotel industry. 5 , she made the life-altering decision last year to return to her village.

    "I want to be an integral part of my hometown's development and 6 real changes that improve the livelihoods of our villagers 7 realizing my own personal value," Li said.

    Enshi, renowned for its breathtaking scenery, 8  relies on agriculture and most of its farmers grow potatoes. Li projects to showcase the agricultural riches 9  by its residents.

    "Here, we are 10 with a humid climate and over 70 percent forest coverage. This makes it an ideal setting for cultivating potatoes," Li explained. "You can find selenium-rich (富含硒的) potatoes here, as the soil in our village boasts 11 selenium content, a trace 12 known for its health benefits."

    In addition to potato farming, Li's team has created positions like potato managers, similar to 13 and sales specialists. There's even a role for a potato assessor, responsible for 14 the best-looking potatoes for sale. In the future, Li hopes to continue helping her fellow villagers raise their potato production and increase their 15 .

    A .  short B .  clean C .  narrow D .  rough
    A .  in store B .  at least C .  on board D .  as regards
    A .  demand B .  yield C .  salary D .  education
    A .  career B .  urge C .  license D .  inspiration
    A .  Therefore B .  However C .  Moreover D .  Likewise
    A .  bring about B .  concentrate on C .  fall apart D .  adapt to
    A .  till B .  so C .  yet D .  while
    A .  boldly B .  attractively C .  heavily D .  excellently
    A .  applauded B .  distributed C .  charged D .  cultivated
    A .  satisfied B .  blessed C .  confused D .  corresponded
    A .  high B .  little C .  novel D .  odd
    A .  lifestyle B .  concept C .  factor D .  element
    A .  sowing B .  marketing C .  dividing D .  hatching
    A .  loading B .  planting C .  selecting D .  imaging
    A .  celebrity B .  income C .  acknowledgement D .  capacity
