Have you become really interested in self-improvement lately? This pursuit of more and better things, whether they be better health, clothes, or money has been normalized, but sometimes to the detriment of people's well-being. This self-improvement mindset can make you feel disempowered, like you should be someone else. Here are five time-wasting self-improvement habits that are harmful to you.
Extremely high and unrealistic expectations
Having goals can be very helpful since it can help give you something to work towards and place your energy into.This is a harmful habit because you're not focused on yourself and your enjoyment of life, but on achieving other people's ideals. Remember, you don't have to be perfect, you just need to be yourself.
The quick culture mentality
The idea about how you must never give up or that you must constantly hustle, even at the expense of your health can be very damaging to your well-being. Sometimes, things just don't work out and you need to give up, but that's not a bad thing.As much as there are people who have to support themselves and others by working long hours, constantly hustling without taking any breaks for yourself to get your bearings may only lead to burnout.
Putting aesthetics (审美) over health
Social media can be a tool to help you change your life for the better, it can also mislead how you see yourself and others.Women are implored to get dangerous, unnecessary cosmetic surgery and men are told to be jacked up and in the gym by any means for those gains, but our bodies are not trends that we should be ashamed of.
Information without application
Like many others, you may decide to apply the self-improvement information once you finished reading all of it, but there are so many books about it and new ones keeps coming out.As powerful as knowledge is, applied knowledge is the best kind. Don't be afraid to apply what you've learnt into the world.
Visualizations without action
Perhaps you see yourself as a painter, or you wish you'd have a big house. Visualizing the life you want and putting it out there can be a great way to get yourself motivated. However, this can become an issue when you only put it out there and dream about it with nothing in between to bridge the gap.Remember that you have to actually do it to get there.
A. It can be heartbreaking and tough, but it may be necessary.
B. It will be too bad if you fail to keep your momentum (推力,动力) and work on.
C. You need to create great expectations in order to drive yourself forward.
D. If it lacks the structure and action, all you dream about is only a dream.
E. However,you might create wild expectations which are too much for yourself.
F. Instead of promoting healthy lifestyles, it advertises certain body types as desirable.
G. All of these how-to's can be helpful, but they are useless if you don't actually use them.