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    There are many fun, free activities that you can do as a family. All that is required is a bit of imagination and some time. And the best part is that these are the kind of fun, family memories a child will remember for a lifetime.

    Family Game Night

    Kids often get games for Christmas or birthdays, and would love to have a chance to play with their family. Or, make up some games of their own. Charades(哑谜猜字游戏) is a fun game that will challenge children to use their imagination. Divide the family into teams and let each team come up with words and the other has to act them out.

    Family Art Time

    Pick some time for the family to sit down and come up with their own art. It doesn't need to be just a drawing-take some old magazines, let the kids cut out pictures and paste them into their own shape. Or let them use leaves, branches and whatever else they can find to make something from their imagination

    Family Picnic

    Taking the family for a picnic is a great way for some fun that doesn't cost any money. If the weather is nice, take them to a park or playground and let them have a day of playingFamily Field Trip

    A family field trip doesn't have to cost a cent. Ask a nearby farm if you can bring your kids out for a tour to see some of the animals. Or take them to a park to find certain items from nature. Ask a local business if you could bring the family for a tour to see how things work—you might be surprised at the number of people who would be excited to share what they do with others, and it could be an interesting lesson for kids.

    1. (1) What are kids supposed to do when playing the game charades?
      A . They prepare some cakes for each other. B . They should be quick to follow others' actions. C . They sing a song for each other in turn. D . They connect actions with certain words.
    2. (2) Which activities in the passage depend much on the kids' imagination?
      A . Family Picnic & Family Field Trip. B . Family Game Night& Family Picnic. C . Family Game Night & Family Art Time. D . Family Field Trip & Family Game Night.
    3. (3) What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
      A . It costs a lot to visit a park for a family. B . You may share your own experience with workers. C . You should ask for permission from the farm owner. D . All the people will be excited to share what they have with you.
