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  • 1. (2023高二上·邵阳月考) 阅读理解

    Shopping is one of the best ways to relax after a stressful week. Nothing is more satisfying than finding a perfect item -- and when I' m bored with shopping for clothes I move on to make-up and shoes. I never shop in sales -- the reason the items haven' t sold at full price is usually because they are badly made or horrible colours.


    I hate shopping and it bores me enormously. I really cannot understand such a useless and expensive habit. I only shop for clothes when I can' t get out of it and when I do, I make sure I buy good quality and as much as I can afford, to put off having to go again for as long as possible. I have friends who will spend a Whole day going from shop to shop trying on lots of different clothes and not buying anything. That's really stupid.


    I can' t see the point in spending a lot of money on clothes, when they are so much cheaper abroad. I do most of my shopping when I go on holiday, and get great clothes for half the price. I love finding bargains! I also buy a lot in sales. The clothes may be out of fashion a bit, but they' re good quality, and if you wait long enough, they come back into fashion!


    I personally still spend half of my wage on clothes. I usually only ever wear something three times before I throw it in the back of my wardrobe (衣橱). I never wear a party dress more than once. If I lost my job and couldn't afford to buy lots of clothes, I would never be able to go out of the house again.


    1. (1) What does Pam focus on when shopping for clothes?
      A . Price. B . Brand. C . Pattern. D . Quality.
    2. (2) Who is a bargain hunter?
      A . Blanca. B . Pam. C . Meghan D . Shelly.
    3. (3) Which of the following can best describe Shelly?
      A . She has no taste for clothes. B . She is addicted to shopping. C . She is always leading the fashion. D . She goes shopping only when necessary.
