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  • 1. (2023高二上·邵阳月考) 阅读理解

    I prided myself on being unattached to any device (装置). Then, I got a smart phone.

    It's not a very fancy smart phone, but I was lost. It was used during commercial breaks, the line at the bank, the three minutes it takes for popcorn to be ready. I even checked my phone while on the phone with someone else.

    I broke the most sacred (不得违背的) technology rule I have with my kids — no devices in the bedroom. I didn't just take my smart phone in the bedroom. I charged it there. Soon that device was the first thing I caught after waking.

    I used to keep a book with me in my spare time; now I kept the smart phone. I opened some apps without conscious thought; remembering to look up on a sports field became a challenge.

    Recently, I was waiting for my youngest child's soccer game to start, trying to answer emails, text my husband, and update a website. The phone lost its signal before my updating the website.

    I drove home and rushed to the laptop. Coat still on, I started troubleshooting (检修故障). My oldest sat across from me.

    I asked the standard Mom-questions half-heartedly, half-listening as she responded. She was talking about some music opportunity, something she was excited about ...

    I glanced up from my screen and saw her looking right at me. My fingers froze and I had an awful feeling. I realized it was the first time I had looked at her.

    I started apologizing, but she just laughed.

    "My friends are much better at multitasking online."

    The next morning, I did something that was more painful than I'd like to admit. I deleted (删除) my apps. When I finished, my smart phone was just a phone again — something I could forget in the car.

    1. (1) What does the author require her kids not to do at home?
      A . Make a long phone call with others. B . Discuss something about technology. C . Handle several things at the same time. D . Use electronic equipment in the bedroom.
    2. (2) What happened to the author since she got a smart phone?
      A . She paid more attention to her kids. B . She set technology rules with her kids. C . She was more interested in reading books. D . She became more and more dependent on it.
    3. (3) How did the oldest daughter feel about her mother's half-heartedness?
      A . She felt quite angry. B . She didn't take it to heart. C . She was very surprised. D . She was worried about her mother.
    4. (4) What decision did the author make at last?
      A . Never use a phone again. B . Only do one thing at a time. C . Never surf on the Net again. D . Use her phone only when necessary.
