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  • 1. (2023高一上·长兴月考)  七选五

    When speaking English, we usually translate words from our native language in our head and it takes us a lot of time just to speak a simple sentence. ? Do you want to speak English fluently and naturally? The following steps will help you. 

    Step 1: 

    Think small first. I mean think in words, only simple words. The learning of your mother tongue starts with simple words like "dad""table""blue" and so on. . Try to say everything you see in English, only English. Later, in a conversation, the picture of a real table will directly remind you of the word "table".

    Step 2: Think in sentences

    This step needs more time and effort. But it's worth it. , such as "It's a table. ""I have a table. ""The table is blue. ", etc. Just do it step by step and day by day. Don't jump to long sentences if you're a beginner. Otherwise, you'll be let down.

    Step 3: Think in conversations

    . Some suggested topics may be your daily activities: family, friends, school, dream, favorites, and something similar. When you are sure that you can express a complete thought, make conversations with others.

    A. Think in words

    B. Try to say long sentences

    C. Just try doing this in English

    D. Does this sound familiar to you

    E. Speak English as much as possible

    F. Start with simple and short sentences

    G. Make conversations with yourself first
