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  • 1. (2023高三上·建平月考)  阅读理解

    At this point, a new live stage show, The Music Critic is touring across the US. In the show. John Malkovich transforms into the sharpest critics of the greatest classical musicians in history and reads their comments aloud as the music critics in his unusual voice.

    For example, Frederic Chopin was once criticized by pianist Hyung ki Joo. "Mr. Chopin has, by some means or the other which we cannot understand. Obtained an enormous reputation too often refused to composers who possess several times his genius. Mr. Chopin is by no means a composer of the ordinary. He is worse," Malkovich comments as the eristic.

    In the show. even Beethoven got a very bad review from the wonderful composer

    Tchaikovsky." He first ills the soul with sweet sadness, and then destroys it by a mass of messy notes." Malkovich reads.

    The Music Critic is part concert, part theater. Malkovich says that the similarities between them are part of the draw for him.

    "I always say they are like surfing because we just paddle(划) out on our little boards.

    We turn our back to the sun and wait for a wave. We're not the wave, which most of us think we are, but we are really not the wave," Malkovich emphasizes. "The wave is created by the collision(碰撞) between the material and the audience. We ride the wave or we don't.

    For sure, it is fun to criticize anyone, However, there's something more at the heart of The Music Critic- and there's a lesson for all of us. Everyone will be at the receiving end of bad reviews at some point. As Malkovich points out: If Beethoven and Chopin got dismissed, you will too.

    "I think of it as an inspirational picce for people in the creative industry to keep going," Malkovich says." You know, face all the criticism, enjoy it, and have fun with it because you're going to get it. There's no one who's going to be spared."

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "their" in paragraph refer to?
      A . The classical musicians'. B . Chopin and Beethoven's, C . The sharpest music critics'. D . Hyung ki Joo and Tchaikovsky's.
    2. (2) What did Hyung-ki Joo mean?
      A . Chopin shouldn't become so famous. B . Many composers were treated unfairly. C . He couldn't understand Chopin's music. D . Chopin was one of the greatest composers.
    3. (3) What is the wave mentioned in paragraph 5?
      A . The beautiful music. B . The audience's feeling. C . The dramatic acting. D . The performers' passion.
    4. (4) What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
      A . Every great man shall be criticized. B . Entertainers might get far more criticism. C . The audience should be fair with their criticism. D . We should face criticism and try to have fun with it.
