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  • 1. 根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空一词。

    1. (1) 我过去不常听音乐,但现在我很喜欢听。

      I to listen to music, but now I enjoy it.

    2. (2) 老师叫他不要在课堂上做鬼脸。

      The teacher tells him not to in class.

    3. (3) 他们那天给我们提供了一个干净的住的地方。

      They a clean place to live us that day.

    4. (4) 我们都等不及要开始下一项工作了。

      We couldn't wait to on the next job.

    5. (5) 琳达上周末这个时候正在练习弹钢琴。

      Linda was the piano at this time last weekend.
