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  • 1. (2022七上·婺城期末)  阅读理解

    There is a little dog living with his mother. His mother makes dinner for him and the little dog often does some things to help her. 

    One day, the little dog sees a pumpkin(南瓜). He wants to take it home, but it is too big and heavy(重的). The little dog can't carry(搬动) it at all. 

    At that time, the little dog sees two boys playing football. He looks at the boys' football. He says, "  ▲  I can roll(滚动) the pumpkin. It's like a ball. "

    So the little dog rolls the pumpkin easily. It's like an interesting game for him. At last, he rolls the pumpkin to his home. His mother says in surprise(吃惊地), "Oh, dear! How can you do that? The pumpkin is so big!" The little dog says happily, "I can't carry it, but I can roll it. " His mother says, "What a good boy! You know the importance of thinking(思考). I'm so happy about that. "

    1. (1) What are the two boys doing when the little dog meets them?
      A . Eating a pumpkin. B . Playing with a pumpkin. C . Playing basketball. D . Playing football.
    2. (2) It's ____ for the little dog to take the pumpkin home at first.
      A . easy B . interesting C . difficult D . boring
    3. (3) Which of the following can be put in the blank in the third paragraph?
      A . I have a good idea. B . I want to play football with them. C . I should ask(请求) them to help me. D . I can play the pumpkin like a ball.
    4. (4) How does the little dog finally take the pumpkin home?
      A . He carries it. B . He rolls it. C . The two boys help him carry it. D . His mother comes to help him take it home.
    5. (5) What does the writer want to tell us through the passage?
      A . We should help our mums. B . We should learn to think. C . Doing sports is good for us. D . Don't give up(放弃) when we meet difficult things.
