As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. Laughing is like a super drug for your health that can lift your mood, lessen pain, and protect you from the (harm) effects of stress.
Journalist, author and professor Norman Cousins was well-known supporter of laughter as a form of medicine and an outstanding figure the field of health and wellness. Diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (强直性脊柱炎) in the late 1960s, Cousins (age) about 50, had little hope of recovery; just one in 500 chances. However, Cousins (notice) that his pain decreased when he involved in laughter, according to the Newport Academy. So, he began to schedule funny movies for (he) on a regular basis. (remarkable), he lived another 25 years post-diagnosis and conducted in-depth research on the medical benefits of laughter, with the support of California University Hospital.
Since then, research has continuously confirmed the effectiveness of laughter in relieving pain improving overall well-being. It's been found that a hearty laugh can lessen physical tension, (leave) muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes. Importantly, these physical improvements have a significant positive impact on mental health, as the mind and body (connect).