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  • 1.  Passage B

    Buy a ticket to the Disgusting Food Museum in Sweden, and you'll find it is not printed on a piece of paper. 

    "Instead, it is a vomit(呕吐物) bag with our logo, "said Samuel West, who set up the museum. It was a joke. But it sounds reasonable in some ways. Inside the museum, the foods with some of the world's most terrible smells are on display. Walking around in it, someone may want to vomit.

    Yet making people vomit is not West's purpose. "I want people to know that disgust is always in the eyes of the visitors, "said West. "We usually find things we're not familiar with disgusting. " For example, the tree-ant larvae(幼虫) eaten in Mexico, or Stinky Tofu in China.

    There are nearly 80 dishes in the museum. They come from Asia, Europe, the United States, South America and so on. 

    West wants people to know that disgust isn't just about taste or smell. It's also about the way the food is made. In the museum, some foods might taste pretty good, but they are made in a terrible way. Those include French foie gras(鹅肝酱). This dish needs to feed ducks or geese with force. 

    West hopes that the museum will help people rethink what is delicious food. He also wants to encourage people to try more foods that are environmentally friendly. He suggests people eat less meat, especially beef and pork. Instead, he encourages people to eat smaller animals. 

    1. (1) According to the passage, the ticket to the Disgusting Food Museum may be____. 
      A . a bag B . a piece of paper C . a dish D . a photo of an animal
    2. (2) What do the underlined words "on display" in Paragraph 2probably mean?
      A . In danger. B . In trouble. C . On show. D . On sale.
    3. (3) The example in Paragraph 5 is used to tell us____. 
      A . where the foie gras comes from B . how the food is terribly made C . where people can taste delicious food D . how people feed the ducks and geese
    4. (4) What is the main purpose of setting up the museum?
      A . To ask people to eat environmentally friendly food. B . To advise people to cook special food. C . To encourage people to visit the museum. D . To tell people to be friendly to the animals.
