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  • 1. (2016·宿迁) 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。

    1. (1) 老师要求我们按时上交作业。

      Teachers require us to our homework on time.

    2. (2) 约翰太粗心了,不能照看好他的宠物。

      John is look after his pets well.

    3. (3) 结果证明,谋杀案和那个工程师无关。

      It turned out that the engineer the murder.

    4. (4) 一天工作之后,他精疲力尽。

      After a day's work, he was .

    5. (5) 月球上的食物很可能会以药片的形式存在,而且味道没那么可口。

      Food on the moon would most probably be pills and would not be tasty.
