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  • 1. (2023六下·海丰月考) 阅读下面的短文,选择合适的选项填入括号里。

    Hello, I am a Chinese boy. My name is Wu Binbin. I'm happy to have a new pen pal. His name is Jack. He's from the USA He's thirteen years old. He's one year older than me. He's 1.61 meterst all. But I'm 2cm taller than him. He is 52kg I'm 49kg. Jack likes reading books and going hiking. But like playing football and doing kung fu. This Friday, Jack will come to Beijing, am very happy, can't wait.

    1. (1) Jack is from____.
      A . Beijing B . England C . America
    2. (2) Wu Bin bin is____years old.
      A . 12 B . 13 C . 14
    3. (3) —How tall is Wu Bin bin?

      — He's ____tall.

      A . 1.59 meters B . 1.61 meters C . 1.63 meters
    4. (4) Jack is than____ Wu Bin bin.
      A . younger B . thinner C . heavier
    5. (5) —Do they have the same hobbies?


      A . Yes, they do. B . No, they don't. C . No, they are.
