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  • 1. (2024高三上·浙江月考)  根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Adaptations are currently popular in the movie industry. We're all familiar with film adaptations of books. Book adaptations of films aren't that common, but it's a medium that certainly takes skills to master.

    The most well-known version of a film being adapted to books is via the novelisation (小说化). Movie novelisations went through a boom period before the internet era. Fans wanted to know more about the fictional worlds and experience the story again in a new way.  Thus, the novelisation was a great solution. 

    Meanwhile, the screen to page process has also opened up the possibility of sequels (续篇). Perhaps there simply wasn't financial investment to create a follow-up to a film. Maybe a sequel idea simply felt more appropriate for a novel. In recent years for example, the film Heat, released in 1995 has received its own novel. ET: The Book of the Green Planet continued the extra-terrestrial's journey after the completion of the film's narrative.

    But what are the benefits of reading a novel instead of waiting for the big screen version? Well, a novel can take its reader deeper into the mind of the characters that the film had to represent in a more visual way. Although a film might characterize a fantastic scene or a specific costume choice, it doesn't always tell why those things are important. Novelisations and sequels can take that extra step and shine a light on some of those movie-making choices.

    Book adaptations of films obviously won't ever replace cinema, and there's no need to choose one or the other.

    A. But what about book adaptations of films?

    B. Besides, descriptions can be more detailed too. 

    C. For a time, they were everything for cinema lovers. 

    D. Films being adapted to books has been talked repeatedly. 

    E. But they couldn't simply google it, or immediately purchase the production on tape.

    F. Regardless, some terrific films have been expanded upon thanks to this medium. 

    G. Actually, these two mediums are considerably interdependent and complementary. 
